PCaPAC'99 Abstracts

(( Oral ))

1) JAVA, ActiveX, Componetware


Performance Evaluation of Particle Tracking Simulation with Java

Ryoichi Hajima, Dept. Quantum Eng., & Systems Sci., University of Tokyo

Programming language Java promises a possible solution for standardization of accelerator software: accelerator modeling, designing, controlling, operating, logging and so on. Performance of Java is a key issue in these applications, if we replace existing simulation codes and class libraries into Java. In the present study, performance of Java based particle tracking code including space charge calculation is evaluated in comparison with C code. It has been found that the performance of Java is significantly improved by JIT compiler which shows calculation speed of 1/2 or 1/3 as C code, while the performance of classical Java VM with interpreter is less than 1/10 of C code. Performance evaluation with HotPoint Java VM will be also presented.


PC-based Remote Console System using Java for High Energy Accelerators

Noriichi KANAYA, Seiji ASAOKA, Hideki MAEZAWA, KEK

The PC-based Remote Console System has been designed and implemented using Java for high-energy accelerators. The Remote Console System provides control information on accelerator control operation in order to control and monitor high-energy accelerator components. The system was implemented on PCs and portable lap-top computers running under WindowsNT. The system allows operating the accelerator as well as diagnosing the accelerator at any place in the field through the network. The system provides functionality of consoles either in the control room or, if a failure occurs in the accelerator, in the vicinity of the faulty accelerator component. The system can greatly reduce shutdown time caused by a malfunctioned accelerator component. The design and implementation of the system is discussed in detail.


Integrating the latest JAVA Technologies in Process Control MMI

Frederic MOMAL, CERN

The LHC/IAS Group is developing supervisory systems by means of industrial SCADA packages. For the past four years, we have provided Web remote access to the data coming from our supervisory and control systems. Combining our findings, an architecture and a strategy have been set-up for a generic Java interface, which offers a remote and unique access to all kinds of control data. Using the object-oriented technology, the architecture dissociates the data access layer from the presentation one. Thus, the interface may be used to access different types of data. The data are stored in the interface together with a set of related information (acquisition date, unit, etc.). The graphical interface is based on components that may be stored independently and accessed on demand. Attention has been given to easing the integration of commercial components. To aid non-specialists in creating components, a graphical scripting language has been developed.


Can Java Replace C++ on Windows for Accelerator Controls?

Hiroshi Nishimura, LBNL

We discuss the possibilities of using Java instead of C++ for accelerator modeling, simulation and controls, covering the items of run-time performance, availability of numerical libraries, migration from C/C++, link to C++ routines, and distributed objects. We will be presenting Java class libraries for modeling and simulation studies, on-line device access and operation at ALS on Windows NT 4.0.
* This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy Research, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Material Sciences Division, U. S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098.


Java-based Operator Interface (JOI)

Obukhov G., Clausen M., Kamikubota N., DESY

The proposal for Java-based Operator Interface (JOI) is discussed in this paper. Several examples were implemented for demonstration purpose. These examples can communicate with real equipment at DESY. JOI was implemented as 3-tier architecture: JavaBeans as reusable components on the client side, they communicate through CORBA/IIOP protocol with servers which provide connection to diffent control systems at DESY. Such approach enables to have multi-platform operator interface for diverse control systems. The development of JOI's JavaBeans and building of JOI itself was done under Windows NT. JOI can run without any modifications on any Java-enabled platform.


Java Beans of Accelerator Devices for Rapid Application Development

Gasper Tkacik, M. Plesko, M. Dach, S.Hunt, JSI

A Java Bean is a reusable component that can be manipulated in a visual builder environment, similar to Visual Basic: Beans can be graphically arranged and connections between them established. Such environments enable the programmer to build an application without typing a single line of code. Many visual Beans exist, such as buttons, gauges, charts, etc.. However, Beans can be also invisible, having pure functionality without graphical representation. We have written a library of invisible Java Beans, called Abeans for accelerator Beans, that implement controlled objects of an accelerator - devices. The concept is based on ACOP, but goes further such that for each device type there is one corresponding device Bean. A device Bean encapsulates all remote calls from the client to a device server of the process control layer, e.g. get/set, on/off, etc.. Thus the network is invisible to the user of device Beans. Tasks of a device Bean include opening the connection and performing the function calls on remote objects; report and manage all errors/exceptions/timeouts arising from network communication, providing handles for asynchronous messages, etc.. Abeans currently support CORBA communication through the ACI interface and CDEV. All the applications for the control system of the ANKA light source have been built using Abeans. The SLS light source uses Abeans to connect the same applications to CDEV.

2) Web application


A Control System Based on Web, Java, CORBA and Fieldbus Technologies

Mark Plesko, M. Dach, S. Hunt, B. Jeram, M. Juras, K. Kenda, I. Kriznar, K. Mele, T. Milharcic, M. Perko, M. Peternel, U. Platise, R. Sabjan, H. Schieler, M. Smolej, G. Tkacik, JSI

We present the control system for the light source ANKA, which builds on the three-tier standard model architecture. Modern products based on standards in distributed objects and networking are applied in addition to low-cost hardware including PCs. The LonWorks field bus network with intelligent nodes and standard I/O modules connect the individual devices directly to PCs. Those PCs act as Web servers for data transmission, application distribution and documentation retrieval. Other PCs on the net run Web browsers with Java clients. The communication with the control system data servers is done through CORBA. CORBA objects are wrapped into JavaBeans, which are connected with commercial data-manipulation and visualization Beans using visual tools or programmatically. The CORBA objects and JavaBeans are generic models of controlled data that can be used at any other control system. The Java applications are based on those objects only and can thus be run on any other accelerator. Experiences with the running system for the ANKA microtron and a successful port to CDEV at the Swiss Light Source will be presented, too.



Using ACOP in HERA Control Applications

Philip Duval, Honggong Wu, DESY

The ACOP (Accelerator Component Oriented Programming) ActiveX control is now used in a wide variety of console applications in the control of ERA and its pre-accelerators. It has proven itself to be a versatile graphics control in its own right, with an intuitive interface for the developer. Its primary function, however, has been to provide a common Application Programmer's Interface (API) for three rather different data exchange mechanisms found in accelerator control as DESY. These include the TINE data exchange protocol, MKI3 data exchange, and Channel Access. At DESY, ACOP is primarily used in console applications programmed in Visual Basic 5.0 running on Windows NT. Nevertheless, there are a number of applications which use ACOP in MS Visual C++ and Delphi. In all cases, the ease in programming in a high-level language such as Visual Basic with components has proven to be a marked advantage. We report here on our first year's experience using ACOP at DESY.

4) Object technology


Interface extension IOLib of class library MFC for control applications


The hierarchical scheme of C++ object class library IOLib is described and discussed. This library is interface extension of the class library MFC for control applications in Windows 95. The extension consists of three main parts: external device interface, windows interface and programming interface. The external device interface supports a control of CAMAC modules. The windows interface supports different types of windows objects: controlling (switches, buttons), numerical (integer, double, string), graphical (2D). Programming interface supports operations with binary and ASCII text files; multithread operations.


Implementing Distributed Controlled Objects with CORBA

Mark Plesko, JSI

The heart of the control system implementation of the light source ANKA is an object model of devices. It is the Accelerator Control Interface (ACI), a language independent collection of interfaces based on network distributed objects using the CORBA standard. All common accelerator components such as power supplies, vacuum, RF, position and current monitors are defined by means of functions and parameters. The devices are described according to CORBA with the Interface Definition Language (IDL), which presents a language-independent way of defining object interfaces. Each controlled parameter, called device property, is an object by itself, implementing atomic actions such as get/set, increment/decrement, etc. All constants related to a property such as min/max, name, description, etc. are obtained from the property directly by means of remote methods - no direct database access is necessary. Values of the properties are updated asynchronously by means of monitor objects. The ACI is meant to be a standardized interface so that applications and pieces of control systems can be hooked to it from either side. The ACI does not replace existing control system architectures and frameworks but rather tries to use their features in order to be as compatible as possible to those systems.


Experience with an object oriented control system at DESY

Kay Rehlich, Gerhard Grygiel, Olaf Hensler, DESY

For the Tesla Test Facility (TTF) we have developed the object oriented control system DOOCS. The Linac is now in operation for more than one year. The control system is implemented on PC's with the Linux operating system and on SPARC processors with Solaris. During the last years a lot of experience with the design of C++ libraries has been gained as well as implementing device server programms with the help of these libraries. A device is added to the system with the assistance of a automatically generated template of a new server process. Only device specific code has to be programmed to the server. We will also describe the progress we made in creating operator application using object libraries. This DOOCS Data Display (DDD) tool, based on these object libraries, allows to create graphical operator panels without programming.

5) I/O controller with PC


Updation of ECR Power Supply Controls To Distributed PC Environment

Tushar K. Das, Amitava Roy, Sushanta Pal , S. Dasgupta, VECC

Controls of the ECR source and the beam-handling elements for injection of the heavy ions into the cyclotron, are being shifted to the central control room, in phases. The work constitutes a part of the retro-fitted distributed computerization of the Cyclotron. A Pentium, Win95 PC working in the ECR front-end takes care of the above power supplies controls. Existing CAMAC crate, several ADC & DAC modules have been put to use, after in-house development of Windows compatible CAMAC library functions. VB callable hardware In/Out functions have been used in the libraries, by incorporating available freeware from internet. Several graphic bit-map icons, specially suited for the purpose, have been prepared and used in the VB MMI form. The Client-Server mode implementations of the distributed controls work using SocketWrench-VBX socket control on Windows-95.


Experience with PC Based EPICS IO Controllers

Jeffrey O. Hill, LANL

The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) has been widely adopted in the accelerator community. Although EPICS is available on many platforms, the majority of sites have deployed VME- or VXI-based input output controllers running the vxWorks real time operating system. Recently, a hybrid approach using vxWorks on both PC and traditional platforms is being implemented at LANL. To illustrate these developments we will compare our recent experience deploying PC-based EPICS input output controllers with experience deploying similar systems based on traditional EPICS platforms.


Development of PC Based Field Controller with Linux

T.Masuda, T.Fukui, M.Kodera, R.Tanaka, A.Yamashita, SPring-8

In SPring-8 storage ring control system, VMEbus systems with real-time UNIX(HP-RT) are used as front-end controllers. For increasing requirements of temporary measurements, it is useful to introduce inexpensive I/O controllers. Linux based PC system was adopted as a supplement system with the same functionality as that of the VMEs. Control software running on the VME system was migrated to Linux system and the new system was used for such as measurement of cooling water temperature, air temperature at the machine tunnel and so on. At this moment, four PC systems are actually used as field controllers. We report development experiences of device drives of Linux based PCs with ISA slots and measured performance based on the accelerator operation.


Distributed acquisition of Beam-View and Property through standard Video components.

Sarbajit Pal, Tapas Samanta, Subrata Dasgupta, VECC

Distributed acquisition of Beam-View and Property through standard Video components. Sarbajit Pal, Tapas Samanta and Subrata Dasgupta Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Dept. of Atomic Energy, Calcutta An inexpensive computerised beam-viewer has been developed exploiting readily available PC add-on h/w and s/w on a Pentium PC running Windows95. A Video Blaster add-on board from popular multimedia system, is driven to digitize inputs from commercial CCD cameras placed along the beam transport lines. The view acquisition, histogram generation, data compression, intensity computation take place on a "view_server", on request from a "view_client", across a switched Ethernet LAN. The client collects and displays these on a VB Window, on activation of its control buttons for displaying size, shape, position, histogram, centroid, intensity etc.. Iso-intensity contour generation and thence emittance calculation at the view station is also possible. Service response time is usually around two seconds. The network communications are implemented using SocketWrench/VBX Socket control on Windows 95. Using some freeware s/w's as OLE inside the application, various image processing facilities are incorporated, for enhanced viewing of beam properties. Major portion of the s/w is written in Basic except some compute intensive functions that are written in C.


I/O Control with PC and Fieldbus

Uros Platise, K. Kenda, I. Kriznar, M. Perko, M. Plesko, M. Smolej, JSI

The LonWorks field bus is a powerful data acquisition/networking system that connects up to 32000 intelligent nodes with I/O modules directly to a PC that runs under Windows 98/NT. LonWorks offer a complete network system in hardware and software in a single micro-controller (the Neuron chip) and eliminate any need for network programming. Many LonWorks boards are commercially available, however it is also relatively straightforward to interface own designs to the Neuron chip. After a careful analysis of all our I/O requirements, three I/O boards were designed that cover all cases: a multipurpose serial interface, a high precision 16-bit DAC/ADC board and 40 channel digital I/O board. The software that we have written for the Neuron chips implements quite complex functions such as state machine and alarms, synchronous ramping in 0.1 millisecond steps and others. The communication to the PC is done through the LCA/LNS library through network variables and remote command invocation, which allows also for network management. On top of this, we have written additional functionality such as a template compiler and a file transfer protocol, which loads all run-time constants at start-up from a centralized database. Thus each constant that is used by the Neuron and the PC clients and servers is stored in one place only. Results of operations and performance measurements will be presented.

6) Database, PC system management


The Lo.Co.Mo.tion MonteCarlo farm

Emanuele Leonardi, Magda Pedace, INFN Roma

The LO.CO.MO.TION (LOw COst MOntecarlo producTION) project is devoted to the study and realization of a PC-based farm for MonteCarlo production in the L3 experiment at CERN. The farm, located in Rome, Italy, currently consists of 5 machines running the Linux OS. The management software, entirely written in Perl, allows for fully automatic job submission and data retrieval procedures, while remote monitoring of the farm status is made possible via a web-based graphical interface. The system has been operational since the beginning of June 1998 and produced about two millions of fully simulated MonteCarlo events for the collaboration. Future developments include the use of a SQL database for a more sophisticated handling of the production process, a web-based control interface and further improvements in processing power.


Using the CERN generic NT infrastructure in a specific control environment

Albertp Pace, Ivan Deloose, CERN

CERN has a large Windows 95/NT infrastucture with more than 3500 PCs connected that is used as one of the main infomation services for the laboratory. This infrastructure is used for a wide set of services, namely Office Automation, Computing Aided Engineering, Calculations, Software Development, and ... controls. This paper will describe the CERN generic infrastructure for Windows 95 and Windows NT and then give several examples of PC control applications and its future directions.The implementation of an object oriented device server based on Windows NT and ActiveX in the CERN-ISOLDE-REX experiment will be reported.

7) Commercial package software application


How PC helps to develop new small control system for new small accelerator.

A.S.Chepurnov, A.S.Alimov, D.I. Ermakov, V.I. Shvedunov, F.N.Nedeoglo*, V.V.Garbuzov*, N.S.Kochetkov*, A.S.Lisjytin*, R.E.Shugaley*, INP, MSU, *School of Physics, MSU

The problem how to develop control system (CS) for newly designed compact electron linac which beeing planed to be industrial installation was solved. During the first stage of CS development, when the accelerator is under final designing and parallel assembling, it is necessary to study the accelerator as object to control, to develop algorithms and procedures of operation. We used as much as possible already existing and well known hardware and software components usually used not for control but for experiments automation. Flexible modern DAQ boards were installed in conventional PC and were used to control subsystems of accelerator. To normalize signals for acquisition and generate signal to control, existing rather old but simple analogue blocks (industial and custom designed ) were applied. All data acquisition and control algorithms, were implemented under PC version of LabView 4.0 together with some simple operator interface to test and study subsytems of the accelerator. The PC, played a role of front-end level, was connected through Eternet with TCP/IP stack to another remote PC worked under Linux and supported operator interface and simple data-base. During the second, final stage of CS development "industrial type" control system was developed. Front-end PC with analo- gue electronics was replaced with few members of "Smart device" family - intelegent front-end devices. Ethernet was replaced with CAN-bus while the same operator console under Linux was used. The approach allows parallel work of peopole involved in developing accelerator hardware, software and hardware of CS.

8) Interconnectivity, Networking

9) OS and real time solutions

10) Controlling experiments with PCs


Sequencing and Ramping in HERA

Juergen Maass, DESY

For all accelerators at DESY we use so called file-operating or ramp programs to save and set the magnet currents. Hera, the biggest accelerator at DESY, consists of two coupled machines with both seperate and common magnets. The HERA proton machine has normal and superconducting magnets with very different changes in their magnetic fields. The ramp software must take all of these factors into consideration during magnet operation. The sequencer is responsible for processing the task list nessessary to store colliding proton and electron beams. During the winter shut down 1997/98 the PC dominated control system for HERA was largely in place. The ramp program like all HERA console programs is written in Visual Basic 5 with ActiveX controls and runs in the control room on Windows NT workstations. The graphic display for the control of the magnet ramp and the data exchange with the magnet server (a SUN-workstation running under solar 2.6) are implemented with the ACOP-control. The new ramp program has been in operation and running reliably since May 1998. We report here on our experiences and note that the combination of Visual Basic plus ActiveX controls has been invaluable in debugging and fine-tuning the application to meet the needs of the operators.


An implementation of the PC-based control system in KEK 12GeV Proton Synchrotron Complex.

Jun-ichi KISHIRO, E.Kadokura, H.Nakagawa, K.Nigorikawa, Y.Yano, KEK

Throughout twenty years history of the KEK 12GeV proton synchrotron(PS), accelerator control system has been changed twice causing from the development of computer and interface hardware technologies. The third generation of PC-based new control system is now implementing and aiming to replace the second generation based on VME-MAP system. Power supply control for LINAC Rf equipment and beam line magnets are almost replaced by programmable logic controller(PLC). And some kind of new interface hardware are implementing for fast data acquisition. Ten PCs are distributed, SCADA software and API for the data acquisition interface provide an software developing environment on Windows NT system. According to the accelerator operation program, more replacements are undergoing and unification of the whole system, including a database configuration, is now designing.

11) Control system architecture


The Proton Linac Control as Part of the DESY Accelerator Chains Control System

G. Franke, A. Labudda, DESY

The Control System of the DESY 50 MeV Proton Linac was replaced by a PC-based distributed system. Applications for the radio frequency for the Alvarez structure and the quadrupoles inside as well as the beam transport and monitoring systems are reported upon. The DESY Accelerator Chains Control System - widely written in Visual Basic - is composed of small and flexible modules which can be sorted into one of the three levels for servers, services, and operation. Most of the LINAC control applications were taken from these modules with no or slight modifications.


Low Cost Beam Line Control System

Takashi Kosuge, Yoshinori Uchida, KEK

The Photon Factory has many different kinds of beam line control systems, which are mostly based on PCs. Recently, many users requested that a standard control system be made . The new system must be made at minimal cost and be easy to remodel. This paper will discuss the trial of the development of a low cost standard system at the Photon Factory. Generally, the beam line optics composed with monochromator and mirrors have been controlled by pulse-motor controller using GPIB at the. As high speed control was not requested, it was decided that an RS232C-GPIB converter would be used. Our system has become hardware independent. By writing the application in Perl, and running it on FreeBSD, costs have significantly reduced. Perl is a very powerful, and from our experience, a very easy to use language. Staff with limited programming knowledge can learn to program in Perl at a low training cost. Perl is a popular, powerful CGI language used in the Web world, through the use of Perl in the application of a Beam line control system, the language's full potential has been realized. This paper will stresse that in comparison to other languages Perl is far superior.


From a Unix to a PC Based SCADA System

Frederic MOMAL, Cedric POURCEL, CERN

To facilitate the development of supervisory applications involved in slow process control (such as cryogenic control) the LHC/IAS Group opted, a few years ago, for an industrial SCADA package which runs on Unix platforms. However, to reduce costs and following current market trends, it has been decided to move over to a PC based package. Several processes relating to the testing of the prototypes of the LHC magnets are already controlled in this way. However, it was still necessary to provide all the services previously available to the users, e.g.: data archiving in central databases, real-time access through the Web, automatic GSM calls, etc. The paper presents our findings, namely the advantages and drawbacks of a PC based package versus a Unix based system. It also lists the criteria used in the market survey to arrive at the final selection, as well as, the overall architecture, highlighting the developments needed to integrate the package into the global computing environment.


The Present Status of the Control System for a Stretcher-Booster Ring at Tohoku University

Masakatsu Mutoh, M. Nanao, Y. Shibasaki, O. Konno, M. Oyamada, T. Tamae, I. Abe*, LNS Tohoku Univ., *KEK

A stretcher-booster ring (STB) was constructed in the autumn of 1997 and has been commissioned. The main operation modes of the STB, a stretcher-ring mode and a booster-ring mode, have achieved their design performance so far. The STB control system, based on personal computers (PCs), was developed to perform a multi-mode operations and has successfully done so. The PCs are run as a client/server system using Windows NT. The server PC plays the role of database server, and about ten client PCs have different particular functions. All of the PCs are interconnected with a 100Base-TX/FX Ethernet. Some types of commercially available software are employed to reduce the development and maintenance loads, in particular LabVIEW, used as a graphical user interface on the operation consoles, has contributed to the construction of the software system in a short period of time. In this paper, we introduce the STB control system and report on its current status.


A Control System for the DESY Accelerator Chains

Ruediger Schmitz, DESY

DESY has 9 accelerators in permanent operation. The reliable and operator friendly control of these accelerators is necessary for successful operation of HERA, DORIS and PETRA to provide a good experimental environment for the 6 Experiments at HERA and the numerous users of synchrotron light at DORIS and PETRA. As already reported in PCaPAC96 PETRA was upgraded to a PC-based control system in spring 1996. The proven concepts and improved programs have been used to renew the control system of the storage ring DORIS in the shutdowm 1997. A step by step migration of controls from the old system to the PC-based one is under way during normal machine operation for the injection accelerators for leptons and protons. A review of the underlying concepts of the homogeneous control system will be given. Focus is put on new control system features since the first version was realized in PETRA.


LINAC PC based control system using ActiveX

Isamu ABE, Masahiko TANAKA, Akihiro SHIRAKAWA, Masakatsu MUTOH*, KEK, *LNS Tohoku Univ.

A PC based control system has been in operation at the PF Linac control system for more than 10 years, initially DOS based, it is now based on Windows NT. The first control system in the PF Linac was composed of a mini-computer and CAMAC. Old libraries were reassembled to windows VBX or OCX, then moved to OLE, and recently expanded to ActiveX. ActiveX brought many new benefits to the field of accelerator control. In the current Linac control system, PC's perform the function of device controller, middle layer processor and database, and GUI.Recently, we have found that it is possible to create a standardized accelerator kernel system. This system will be able to be used with any type of accelerator up to that of a medium size. We have been developing COACK (Componentware Oriented Accelerator Control Kernel) using ActiveX -a standard model for accelerator control kernel. This paper will discuss the functions of COACK and its performance.


Overview of the Large Helical Device (LHD) Control System and its First Operation

K.Yamazaki, H.Yamada, K.Y.Watanabe, S.Yamaguchi, H.Nakanishi, T.Mito, H.Chikaraishi, A.Komori, K.Murai, O.Motojima and the LHD Group, NIFS

The first plasma operation of the Large Helical Device (LHD) fusion system has been successfully carried out on March 31, 1998 just on schedule. This is a world-largest helical fusion machine with a major radius of 3.9 m and a minor radius of 0.65 m. Steady-state operation has been realized by means of superconducting coils with 3 Tesla after eight-year construction period. In this presentation, we will explain the overview of the LHD control system in the following:
(1) LHD control concept.
(2) Central (Chu-oh) Control System (COCOS) with hard-wired interlock, soft sequential control and optical timing control units.
(3) FDDI/ATM network architecture.
(4) Client/server LHD Man-machine-interface System (LMS) using Windows NT with Visual Basic.
(5) Control data monitoring system (VME and Windows NT (Visual C++) / Unix (Java)).
(6) Control sub-systems relevant to machine commissioning, such as vacuum pumping control system, cryogenic cooling control system, and coil power supply control system.
(7) Distributed control systems for plasma diagnostics, and advanced data acquisition system by Windows NT network.
A variety of operations and experiments will be continued on LHD using these flexible, reliable and advanced control systems.


TANGO - New Generation TACO on PCs

W.D.Klotz, A.Götz, P.Mäkijärvi, B.Regad, E.Taurel, J.Meyer, J.M.Chaize, ESRF

TANGO is the next generation of TACO the ESRF object oriented control system. It is based on multi-threaded distributed objects implemented in C++ or Java. This paper will present the major features of TANGO namely the IDL interface, CORBA, the root class, the database, monitors, multi-threading. It will describe how these features are implemented in C++ and Java on PCs running Linux and/or Windows as desktop clients or as embedded PCs in PC-104 and/or VME format . It will describe how TANGO will be introduced to the running TACO system using Gateways. Experience deploying the new system will be presented as well as the difficulties encountered in introducing new technologies in a running system.

12) New Plans

13) The PC world

14) etc.

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